Over de kunstenaar(es)
Mijn naam is Bert Weening, geboren op 22 juni 1970 in Enschede. Ik woon in de Flevolandse polder. In 2014 ben ik gestart met schilderen. Tegen het einde van 2016 ben ik gestart met de kunstacademie voor 17e eeuwse schildertechnieken, Academie Renshof.
Mijn passie ligt in het werken met het palletmes en het ontwikkelen van mijn eigen schilderstijl, met dikke lagen olie verf. Ik heb me laten inspireren door Vincent van Gogh, Claude Monet en Isaac Israëls. Mijn landschapen geven een expressie an de werkelijkheid met veel zichtlijnen en diepte.

When I first saw Bert Weening's works I was pleasantly surprised by his use of material and composition. To work with oil requires lots of education and training but Bert just bought a bunch of paint and some wood and started to create paintings.
The scenaery where he lives in the Netherlands inspired him to create his first works. You could clearly see that this man, with no traditional training in art, has an eye for composition. His paintings are vibrant, yet they portray the overwhelming calmness that nature can bring when the sun is on high noon or the winds are starting to roll land inwards. His paintings make you feel part of the scenery an the thick layers of paint draw your eyes to the dramatic clouds that always seem to appear when he paints a Dutch landscape. The calmness of the skies when he paints Normandie are a great contrast with his Dutch landscapes yet both are un mistakenly from his hands and carry the signature of thick layers of paint and vibrant colours.
Over the years, Bert started painting bigger, literally because of the size of his work and figuratively because you can see he feels very comfortable with his beloved material, oil paint. He pays less attention to the small details but paints a larger overview which helps him to get even more power and dimension in his work.